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The Mission

Advocates for Children of Incarcerated Parents is a nonprofit that advocates for positive policy change for children of incarcerated parents and serves as a resource guide for those families impacted by parental incarceration.

The Problem

The United States has the highest incarcerated population in the world, with 2.1 million people. In addition, 54% of the incarcerated population have one or more minor children representing 2.7 million or 1 in 28 children with an incarcerated parent. These children often suffer significant adverse effects from parental incarceration, including (1) financial hardship, (2) housing instability, (3) social and emotional challenges, (4) negative educational outcomes, (5) changing caregivers, and (6) increased health issues.

The Inspiration

As the child of an incarcerated parent, Corey experienced many of these adverse childhood effects of parental incarceration, including parental death, financial hardship, housing instability, change in caregiver, and depression. With an understanding of the challenges these children face, he founded AFCOIP to advocate for them. 

Our Impact

AFCOIP hopes to effect positive change in the following ways:

(1) Public Policy Change

Corey wrote and circulated a policy brief advocating for free video visitation policies facilitating children maintaining a relationship with their incarcerated parents without the traumatic effects of in-person prison visits. Corey has submitted his policy brief to state departments of corrections.

(2) Knowledge Base & Resource Guide 

AFCOIP is a comprehensive and easy-to-use website focused exclusively on children of incarcerated parents. The website contains organized lists of publications, organizations, referral websites, best practices, and how-to guides to help families access the best resources for their situation.